PamsFam by Simon Peter Green

Part of No other world but England by Ryley Morton

Part of No other world but England by Ryley Morton

Birmingham in the 80's by Richard Davis

Birmingham in the 80's by Richard Davis

Birmingham in the 80's by Richard Davis

Birmingham in the 80's by Richard Davis

Spaghetti Junction by Richard Davis
prestige student living, 1 Dogpool Lane, Birmingham
13TH june 2024, 6-8PM
simon peter green
The family is the first institution in human history. No group is as universal as the family, the family is the strongest universal group. Families have existed in every age and in every society. Families are found in all corners of the world. No culture or society has ever existed without some type of family organisation. Each one of us is a member of some family or another.
Pamsfam represents a family who live in Hillfields, Coventry, UK.
Simon will be presenting a screening and talk.
richard davis
Richard Davis is a British social documentary and portrait photographer born in Birmingham, but now based in the North West of England. However, it was Birmingham where Richard started on his photographic journey 40 years ago and it's a City that he still feels a close connection to, and a place where he still photographs in whenever the opportunity arises.
Recently the Modernist Society published a book featuring Richard's photographs from underneath Spaghetti Junction, a place of regular interest to him over the years.
Richard will be presenting a talk and screening, and signings of his new book, Spaghetti Junction available now at www.the-modernist.org
Documentary photographer Ryley Morton captures diverse cultures and life experiences, challenging stereotypes by celebrating individuality. He uses photography to: Explore and evolve his understanding of the world. To challenge his own views and beliefs, hoping to spark discourse on often ignored topics, and as a tool for documenting history as it unfolds.
In his ongoing series ‘No other world but England’ he explores the diverse culture of England through a series of weird and wonderful; cultural, religious and traditional festivals. Using traditional methodology, reminiscent of Edward S Curtis, he uses a purpose-built natural-light photo booth to capture portraits of people supporting each event.
Main image: Matt - Border Morris Dancer
We are delighted to announce the finalists of our Birmingham Student Photography Competition.
The overall winner announced at our launch evening on 13th June.

Honor Smith - 'Death is a part of living but a fear of many' a self-initiated project and residency in the photographer’s grandmothers care home

Sarah Martindale - 'Empty Wellies' inspired by previous work, The journey of wool, where Martindale had the privilege of working with Welsh farmers.

Ethan Johnson - 'Rising Brook' capturing the everyday lives of firefighters, highlighting their dedication and camaraderie.
a packed evening.
This Birmingham Student Photography Competition Finalists Event is an evening packed full of exhibitions, talks & screenings.
Announcing the Winners of the Student Photo Competition (judged by Photo North and Channel 4 Senior Pictures Team, Carl Palmer & Jamie Honeywood) will be Peter Dench photojournalist and co-curator of Photo North and David Campbell, Managing Director of sponsors of the evening Alumno, award-winning specialists in the design and development accommodation for students at Pershore Junction.
Music, snacks and bar!
Prestige Student Living, Pershore Junction, 1 Dogpool Ln, Stirchley, Birmingham B30 2XN.
Thursday 13th June 6pm – 8.00pm. Doors open 5.30pm.
Tickets are £2 and donated to charity.Our chosen charity to support is Royal Birmingham Society of Artists.
Book on Eventbrite - or please feel free to turn up at the door.
MPB, the largest global platform to buy, sell and trade used photo gear will be supplying goodie bags - while stocks last!